Monday, September 29, 2008

Ode to my Little Brother

Don't Worry if Your Job Is Small

Don't worry if your job is small,
And your rewards are few.
Remember that the mighty oak,
Was once a nut like you.

I know this poem isn't specifically about brothers, but I felt if was appropriate and way too good to pass up.  

I was looking at the Frog House website tonight and was suddenly struck with how grown-up my younger brother is.  It seems like overnight, he went from a quiet, shy kid to a successful, hardworking, tall and bearded man.  What happened?!? And more importantly, where did the time go?  

I am so incredibly proud of who he's become and cannot wait to see where he is going.  I definitely was a proud sister when I saw my brother's name listed as "Executive Director" of the TCU Frog House.  Shishtopher, I'm so proud of everything you have accomplished.  Thank you for being a great brother and my unofficial-twin.

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