Sunday, March 30, 2008

City, City, New York City

I like the idea of including a new poem every week from The Random House Book of Poetry.  The poem for this week perfectly describes life in any big city.  So, here it is:
City, City
by Marci Ridlon

City, city,
Wrong and bad,
Looms above me,
When I'm sad,
Throws its shadow
On my care,
Sheds its poison
In my air,
Pounds me with its
Noisy fist,
Sprays me with its
Sooty mist.
Till, with sadness
On my face,
I long to live
Another place.


City, city
Shines around me
When I'm glad,
Lifts me with its
Strength and height,
Fills me with its
Sound and sight,
Takes me to its
Crowded heart,
Holds me so I
Won't depart.
Till, with gladness
On my face,
I wouldn't live
Another place.  

Friday, March 14, 2008


For the past week, I've had one of my favorite children's poems running through my head. I feel like I should say that I want to rid this repeating poem from my mind, yet it still manages to make me laugh after 2o years.   I highly recommend "The Random House Book of Poetry for Children" for anyone with children, or the sense of humor of a child (a.k.a me).  I've enjoyed my copy for over 20 years.  I decided to share this wonderful poem with everyone.  Enjoy!

by Laura E. Richards

Once there was an elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant-
No! No! I mean an elephone
Who tried to use the telephone-
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I've got it right.)

Howe'er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee-
(I fead I'd better drop this song
Of elephop and telephong!)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Leap with Both Feet

So, I JUST found out that one my pictures is posted on National Geographic's "Your Shot" page. I can't explain how excited I am that my picture was picked.  This also means that my photo has a chance to be featured in a National Geographic Magazine.  Thanks to everyone who voted!  You can still see my picture of you go to the link below and pick "March - Week 1" 

The image below is the picture that was picked for the website. 

On another note, I made the transition to a MacBook.  My laptop still worked alright, but it didn't stay open without tape.  I had pieces of white athletic tape holding my screen open.  After a few weeks, the tape would begin to slide and my monitor would, very slowly, begin to fall backwards.  I have to include a picture, because my computer looked so hilarious.

My laptop was very loyal to me for the last few years, especially after being dropped (twice), but it was time for an upgrade. I had never considered getting a Mac, until my brother got one for Christmas. It was then that I began to notice how many people had Macs!  I started asking around and everyone who had a Mac, swore by them.  I've only had my MacBook for a day, but I'm beginning to see why people love them so much.  So far, I really, really like my MacBook and am very impressed with all the features.  I can honestly say that I've happy with my switch from PC to Mac.